"Mobile Hair & Nail Care"
Designs by Ash, LLC is a mobile styling and nail service that specializes in providing professional and compassionate care to clients with severe disabilities, hospice patients, those with dementia or autism, and those who are homebound or in facilities or hospitals. My goal is to bring beauty and self-confidence to our clients in the comfort of their own homes, facilities, or hospital rooms. Regardless if you are young or at the end of your life in hospice, everyone deserves to feel good about themselves!
I strive to keep my prices comparable with salons, but please remember that I am providing a specialty service, so therefore I may be a little higher than some.
All services are by appointment only.
Effective January 1, 2025, there will be a $5 travel fee for clients in Kansas (per visit) that will be added to your final bill.

Haircut, Style, Perm, Base Color
Getting a haircut and style can completely transform your look and boost your confidence.
Whether you are homebound, on hospice, have a disability, or have an autistic child who is terrified of haircuts, I specialize in all of this! I strive to make it the best experience possible for everyone involved from my clients to their families. I have a 100% success rate of autistic children learning to enjoy getting their hair done!
Looking for more than just a haircut? You can add a perm or color as a single or extra service. I use a hair funnel to wash or rinse hair so you can sit comfortably without bending over!
Are you in a wheelchair or bedridden? No problem, ask me what your options are in this case!
Funeral home services available

Nail & Toenail Trim & File
Not all toenails or fingernails are always beautiful. As we get older, they are harder to take care of, resulting in thickening, painful, or even out-of-control nails. When someone can't take care of their own or get to a Podiatrist, this may seem like there is no hope!
This is where I come in as a professional nail tech. With the help of Podiatrist clippers, no nails are too thick or long and you should never be ashamed to ask for help! I am here to help you get your nails & toenails trimmed and filed back into a condition that you can be comfortable with!
Podiatrists are expensive and usually start at well over $100 for a single visit then they use a dremel which can be very painful. Don't put yourself or your loved one through that when you have the option of me coming to them!

Severe Matting Detangle
No one should be scared or embarrassed to ask for help with matted hair. The longer you wait, the worse and more painful it gets. But did you know it can also become a health threat if left untreated?
I am here to help get you back in shape with the dignity you deserve!
Pricing starts at:
$80 per hour with a minimum of a 2-hour non-refundable fee due at the time of scheduling.
Should it take longer, the balance will be due when finished. After the first 2 hours, you will be given the chance to stop and leave your hair as-is or continue until we are finished, which is recommended to keep the hair from re-matting.